Ressources complémentaires

Voici quelques ressources en lien avec l’utilisation de badges en éducation ainsi que sur le concept de la ludification. Ces concepts peuvent s’appliquer dans une grande variété de contextes et de situations. Les ressources présentées ci-dessous peuvent peut-être servir d’inspiration dans la façon avec laquelle vous utiliserez l’outil Récompenses.

Badges :

Abramovich, S., Schunn, C. et Higashi, R. M. (2013). Are badges useful in education? It depends upon the type of badge and expertise of learner. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61(2), 217–232.

Abramovich, S. (2016). Understanding digital badges in higher education trough assessment. On the horizon, 24(1), 126-131.   

Carey, K.L.  et Stefaniak. J. E. (2018). An exploration of the utility of digital badging in higher education settings. Educational technology research and development, 66(5), 1211-1229. 

Cieply, S. et Grand, I. (2019). Quels usages pour les Open Badges dans l’enseignement supérieur ? Analyse de la diffusion d’une innovation à l’IAE Caen, Management et avenir, 7(113), 15-38.  

Delello, J.L., Hawley, H., McWhorther, R.R, Gipson, C.S et Deal, B. (2018). Gamifying education: Motivation and the Implementation of digital badges for use in higher education. International journal of web-based learning and teaching technologies, 13(4), 17-33  

Devedzic,V. et Jovanovic, J. (2015). Developing Open Badges: a comprehensive approach. Educational Technology Research and Development, 63(4), 603-620.  

Ellis, L.E., Nunn, S.G., Avella, J.T. (2016). Digital badges and micro-credentials: Historical overview, motivational aspects, issues, and challenges. Dans  Ifenthaler, D., Bellin-Mularski, N., Mah, DK. (dir.) Foundation of digital badges and micro-credentials. Springer. 

Facey-Shaw, L., Specht. M., Rosmalen, P. V., Borner, D et Barley-Bryan, J. (2018). Educational functions and design of badge systems: A conceptual littérature review. IEEE Transactions on learning technologies, 11(4),  

Fanfarelli, J. R., & McDaniel, R. (2015). Individual differences in digital badging: Do learner characteristics matter? Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 43(4), 403–428.

Fanfarelli, J. R. et McDaniel, R. (2019) Designing effective digital badges, applications for learning. Routledge.  

Goodyear, M. et Nathan-Roberts, D. (2017). Gamification and the design of badges in relation to educational achievement. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 61(1), 1229-1233.

Hartnett, M. (2021). How and why are digital badges being used in higher education in New Zealand ? Australian journal of educational technology, 37(3), 104-118.

Higashi, R et Schunn, C.D. (2020). Perceived relevance of digital badges predicts longitudinal change in program engagement. Journal of educational psychology, 112(5), 1020-1041.  

Marique, P.-A., Vand de Poël, J.-F., Verpoorten, D. et Hoebeke, M. (2018). Ludifier un simulateurd’examen en recourant à des badges – Effets sur la participation, la perception et la performance. International journal of technologies in higher education, 15(2), 15-31.  

Muilenburg, L. Y. et Berge, Z. L. (2016). Digital badges in education, trends, issues and cases. Routledge.  

Reid, A. J., Paster, D. et Abramovich, S. (2015). Digital badges in undergraduate composition courses: effects on intrinsic motivation. Journal of Computers in Education, 2(4), 337-398.

Sousa-Vieira, M.-E. Ferrero-Castro, D. López-Ardao, J.-C. (2022) Design, Development and Use of a Digital Badges System in Higher Education. Applied sciences. 12(1), 220-236.

Tomić, B., Jovanović, J., Milikić, N., Devedžić, V., Dimitrijević, S., Đurić, D. et Ševarac, Z. (2019). Grading students' programming and soft skills with open badges: A case study. British journal of educational technology, 50(2), 518-530.

Trepule, E., Volunggeviviciene, A., Teressvisciene, M., Greenspon, R., Costa, N. (2021). How to Increase the Value of Digital Badges for Assessment and Recognition in Higher Education.A University Case. Informatics and education,20(1), 131-152.

Ludification (Gamification):

Al-Azawi, R., Al-Faliti, F. et Al-Blushi, M. (2016). Educational Gamification Vs. Game Based Learning: Comparative Study. International journal of innovation, management and technology, 7(4), 132-136. doi:10.18178/ijimt.2016.7.4.659  

Alsawaier, R.S. (2018). The effect of gamification on motivation and engagement. The international journal of information and learning technology, 35(1), 56-79.  

Galbis-Cordova, A., Marti-Parreno, J. et Curras, P. (2017). Higher education students attitude toward the use of gamification for competencies development. Journal of e-learning and knowledge society, 13(1), 129-146. 

Goethe, O. (2019). Gamification mindset (Ser. Human-computer interaction series). Springer.

Jayawardena, N.S., Ross, R, Quach., Behl, A., Gupta, M. et  Lang, D. (2022). Effective online engagement strategies through gamification: a systematic literature review and a future research agenda. Journal of global information management, 30(5), 1-25   

Karagiorgas, D. N. et Niemann, S. (2017). Gamification and game-based learning.  Journal of educational technology systems, 45(4), 499-519.  

Ke, F. Xie, K., Xie, Y. (2016). Game-based learning engagement: A theory- and data-driven exploration. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(6). 1183-1201.  

Kim, S., Song, K., Lockee, B., & Burton, J. (2018). Gamification in learning and education : enjoy learning like gaming. Springer.

 Llorens-Largo, F. et Molina-Carmona, R. (2020). Gamification and advanced technology to enhance motivation in education. Informatics,Special issue.  

Saxena, M. et Mishra, D.K. (2021). Gamification and gen Z in higher education: A systematic review of literature. International journal of Information and communication technology education, 17(4), 1-22.  

Stieglitz, S., Lattemann, C., Robra-Bissantz, S., Zarnekow Rüdiger, & Brockmann, T. (Eds.). (2017). Gamification : using game elements in serious contexts. Springer International Publishing.

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